Book a personal consultation.

I can help you find the skincare that’s right for you.

If you’ve ever wondered about what skincare would be best for your skin, what to reach for when you’ve got a rash, or whether the newest and ‘most amazing’ face cream on the market is worth your money, Stacey is the chick with the answers.

As a qualified Cosmetic Chemist she reads ingredients labels like everyone else reads postcards and she knows exactly how good a ‘good’ product is.

So before you spend your money on big claims, consider booking in a session with Stacey to uncover exactly what products should live on your bathroom shelf.

30 minute consultation - $69

  • A 30 minute discussion to answer any questions you may have about the products you’re currently using, or products that you’re considering purchasing. With a few current tips and tricks to help your daily regime

1 hour consultation - $99

  • A 60 minute in-depth discussion to help you find the best products for your skin type. Questions answered, myths debunked, tips and tricks shared. We will work together to create a skincare regime to allow your skin, and your natural beauty, shine

Bespoke consultation or group booking (POA)

  • Perhaps you’ve got a query that’s a little outside the box, or maybe you’re thinking of throwing a pamper party for your girlfriends… except one of them has sensitive skin. Let’s chat!


*by submitting a form to request a consultation you accept the following terms:

  • consultation to be conducted over Zoom or in person if possible at a mutually agreed time

  • consultation to be paid for prior to consultation taking place. An invoice will be supplied beforehand, which can be paid via internet banking or by credit card

  • Prices in NZD and do not include GST. International consultations will be converted to your local currency and will not include taxes.